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Curriculum Intent

PSHE is at the core of developing a child’s understanding of themselves, their community and the wider world. Through PSHE we encourage children to be inquisitive, share thoughts and feelings, listen to and respect others’ opinions and leave them with the knowledge and skills needed to lead healthy, fulfilling, and successful lives.

Key Stage 3 overview

PSHE education teaches the knowledge and skills which will equip pupils for the opportunities and challenges of life.  Areas covered in KS3 include:

  1. Health and wellbeing:

Healthy lifestyle, harmful substances, managing emotions and mental health

  1. Relationships:

Personal relationships, sexual relationships, bullying, abuse and discrimination

  1. Living in the wider world:

Finances, Aspirations, learning skills and careers, Democracy, laws and British Values, media literacy and digital resilience

Key Stage 4 overview

At key stage 4, students deepen knowledge and understanding and the curriculum reflects the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others.  Areas covered in KS4 include:

  1. Health and wellbeing:

Mental health, internet safety and harms, physical health & fitness, drugs, alcohol & tobacco

  1. Relationships and sex education:

Safe and unsafe relationships, online & media risks and influences, sexual relationships and health

  1. Living in the wider world:

Learning skills, choices & pathways, work & career, employment rights and responsibilities, financial choices, media literacy & digital resilience.